Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sickle Cell Anemia Info Box

· Prenatal diagnoses allow families to find out early on whether their child will have sickle cell disease.

· All newborns in Virginia are screened for sickle cell disease. Newborn Screening is offered to families who do not have the option of prenatal diagnoses. They will find out very soon after birth.

· Genetic Counseling Services will help couples and families carrying the sickle cell trait better understand their risk when they do decide to have children.

· Professional Education and Training teaches parents about the disease and what serious complications to look for with their children.


Dr. Lloyd says that everyone has the adult gene, Hemoglobin A or S, but everyone’s cell also produces Hb F at the embryo or fetus stage. Hb F is shut off two months after birth and the adult hemoglobin becomes active. This is the time when babies are treated with penicillin. Recent research has found that if Hb F can be reactivated it can serve as a possible treatment. If both Hb F and Hb S are present then cells won’t sickle and there will be no need for treatment.

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